I’m just experimenting with flipbooks now at Heyzine.co. Here’s an example of a Newsletter. It’s not th done deal, just a first trial of a flipbook on a draft of a newsletter.
Category: 1.3 Resolution
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Cohort Meeting, D-77
Last night we had a cohort meeting on Google Meet. It was very useful as we are in the final runup to the end of this course, with only 77 days to go, I was told. I think we need to have these meetings to give each other support when the nerves get too much… Continue reading Cohort Meeting, D-77
Silent Crits
Our cohort was split in two, for this session as we each had 30 minutes and it would have gone on too long. In mine there was Anna, Riette, Steve and myself, plus one student who was starting Module 2 called Deborah, with tutor Michele. The image to be discussed in the Crit Previously, I… Continue reading Silent Crits
Visiting Exhibitions
Thursday has always been my favourite day, but we wont get into that now. After taking the dogs out, Mac round the triangle and Finn to the bluebells in the woods, I took the train to Belfast on the look out for some exhibitions. We have been asked to critique three before planning our entries… Continue reading Visiting Exhibitions
The Action of Redaction
In our last tutorial, Michele spoke of the action of redaction and how I felt about it. It made me think immediately of one of the pages from my MSc thesis that I’d already worked on and used the extraction of the fraction from the first paragraph. I think I’ll try using this page again,… Continue reading The Action of Redaction
Train Journey x
We had nothing for the MA Zoom today, and I decided on another Thursday trip to Belfast. I wanted to think about photobook layouts, I’d got 2 new design books today as well. Also, it was the first Thursday of the month, Late Night Art Day in Belfast. Last, but not least, one of my… Continue reading Train Journey x
AI and Old Hats (or wallets)
I watched Sarah-Jane Field’s talk on AI on Wednesday evening. It was quite interesting for me as I am very sceptical about the potential, practical uses of this technology. (My group of research energy engineers looked into neural networks and other AI methodology from about 2008.) If it were harmless, then I wouldn’t see anything… Continue reading AI and Old Hats (or wallets)
Photobooks and Flipbooks
I’ve been attending a workshop at Belfast Exposed on creating a photobook on the last 3 Saturdays. It was initially to make a print version of my exhibition at the Riverside and to help reach my audience. In the first session I learned how different and wide-ranging these book can be. Newsletter Also, in a… Continue reading Photobooks and Flipbooks
A few thoughts
I was watching part one of Glenys Garrett’s Typography series on Camversation tonight. I love her ideas and work. Two things she talked about struck me, or was it three? One One, she mentioned that old cliche that photographer are said to have it easy compared to painters. They snap a picture then reduce it.… Continue reading A few thoughts
Third session of ‘creating a photobook’
Another very interesting session. I had spent a few days learning Affinity Publisher 2 and arrived with a draft of the Riverside exhibition book. The others had not got started with any software, so I was able to try ta few other books (previous Exhibition and 80s musicians).