AI and Old Hats (or wallets)

I watched Sarah-Jane Field’s talk on AI on Wednesday evening. It was quite interesting for me as I am very sceptical about the potential, practical uses of this technology. (My group of research energy engineers looked into neural networks and other AI methodology from about 2008.) If it were harmless, then I wouldn’t see anything against artists using it.

Sarah-Jane was very excited about what she was doing, although she did acknowledge the concern surrounding AI’s implementation. A lot of artists she mentioned seemed to be using it for such different reasons, often they seemed selfish, but then artists often do! They sometimes pick apart things to suit their own ideas (like with entropy), artistic licence. Speaking of which (!) …

In AI ‘Prompts’ are used to conjure up an image and this seemed to be analogous to my artefacts evoking the memories (and hence my composites or cubist images); and the refining of these prompts could be thought of analogous to reflection about and revisiting of the memories [ inside my head]. See, I am as selfish as anyone (artist) else, and using artistic licence too!

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

By Dave

A retired research scientist, a photographer and a Fine Art student

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