A few thoughts

I was watching part one of Glenys Garrett’s Typography series on Camversation tonight. I love her ideas and work. Two things she talked about struck me, or was it three? One One, she mentioned that old cliche that photographer are said to have it easy compared to painters. They snap a picture then reduce it.… Continue reading A few thoughts

Third session of ‘creating a photobook’

Another very interesting session. I had spent a few days learning Affinity Publisher 2 and arrived with a draft of the Riverside exhibition book. The others had not got started with any software, so I was able to try ta few other books (previous Exhibition and 80s musicians).


It’s back in 1965-66-67, and I was a teenager living in the Belfast suburbs (By the way, ‘Life on Mars’ is on Netflix now and earlier today I was listening to an audio book, called ‘Small Pleasures’ on BBC Sounds when I heard “Sister Maria Goretti” mentioned in the book – another Proustion moment). I… Continue reading Goretti

Contemporary Tales Presentation

Bio Michele asked for a Bio to introduce us. This was mine. David (Wright) is a retired lecturer in energy engineering, renewable energy and climate change. His research interests were principally in biomass, bioenergy, energy from wastes and the techno-economic analysis of power plants. David’s research took him to London (GEC), Ontario, Canada (Brock University),… Continue reading Contemporary Tales Presentation

Anatomy of a Scandal

I’ve got a virus recently or again, and it’s slowing me down. Last night, instead of working, I watched “Anatomy of a Scandal” on Netflix for some easy viewing. It fitted the bill for a while, then started to interest me – it tuned into a story where memories were reviewed, bits revised in the… Continue reading Anatomy of a Scandal

Found Poetry Types

In my 1 to 1 tutorial with Michele, one of the things she suggested I should return to was the erasure/extraction poetry that I had been doing earlier. I thought this was a good idea, as I had only begun exploring it and there was more that I could and should do there. I found… Continue reading Found Poetry Types