Cohort Meeting, D-77

Last night we had a cohort meeting on Google Meet. It was very useful as we are in the final runup to the end of this course, with only 77 days to go, I was told. I think we need to have these meetings to give each other support when the nerves get too much to handle!

Blair is obviously way ahead in terms of work done and the effort put in, I think I am in the lower half, but I’m not worried as I think I’ve only really got into my stride after all I put in to the Riverside exhibition and losing 3 weeks to a cold/flu/virus.

We talked about a potential exhibition after we finish and I hope this does take place, and that we do keep in touch. Also, talked about transferring our journal to another website, to preserve it. OCA have left previous journals for a few years, but the OU might not be so lenient.

We have to submit our proposal for the virtual exhibition by 31st May and maybe discuss it on 30th May. I’m still thinking of a flipbook of a photobook, but I must think more about it and research the software,

Did I say 31st May? Did I say 1st August?

We were informed on 23rd May that our individual exhibition proposal had to be in on 24th May {although it was still on the timetable for 30th May on the morning of 23rd May, and later that day changed}. So, instead of another week to prepare, we had another day.

I worked all night and managed to get something in 11 minutes and 59 seconds before the deadline. Fortunately I had taken a notebook with me on the train to the Dea Matrona gig at the Limelight on 22nd, so I had a rough outline of the draft exhibition proposal done on the train. I still was trying to get my head round how to show a flipbook 40 minutes before the 5pm deadline on Friday.

Also, in the meeting on 24th May we heard (for the first time) that our online exhibition would actually be at the end of August, 3 to 4 weeks after we handed in our final submissions. I assumed that we would be finished after the hand-in and was about to book a workshop in Berlin in August.

By Dave

A retired research scientist, a photographer and a Fine Art student

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