Silent Crits

Our cohort was split in two, for this session as we each had 30 minutes and it would have gone on too long. In mine there was Anna, Riette, Steve and myself, plus one student who was starting Module 2 called Deborah, with tutor Michele.

The image to be discussed in the Crit

Main Image, One Large and 12 Small versions
Main Image, One Large and 12 Small versions
the composites run in sequence from left to right and top to bottom
the composites run in sequence from left to right and top to bottom

The same as above, but some are out of sequence
The same as above, but some are out of sequence

Previously, I made the composites below for the Riverside exhibition

the images that made up the composite above
the images that made up the composite above

this is the poster and flyer for my exhibition at the Riverside Theatre gallery in March, with the composites I made at that time and the images I used to make the varying composite at that time.
this is the poster and flyer for my exhibition at the Riverside Theatre gallery in March, with the composites I made at that time and the images I used to make the varying composite at that time.

the base images for the earlier composite
the base images for the earlier composite

By Dave

A retired research scientist, a photographer and a Fine Art student

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