We had nothing for the MA Zoom today, and I decided on another Thursday trip to Belfast. I wanted to think about photobook layouts, I’d got 2 new design books today as well.

Also, it was the first Thursday of the month, Late Night Art Day in Belfast. Last, but not least, one of my current fave bands, Dea Matrona, were appearing in HMV to promote their first album at the start of their UK tour. I’d made 3 prints to give to them and get copies autographed.
I make sure to take Mac and Finn out early if I am going to Belfast later. Mac tried, as usual to get me to go to Jollyes for a treat, but I managed to divert him around the triangle. Then Finn and I went to the Trim Trail to see the bluebells. I had the 90mm lens today, but it wasn’t so suitable for all the shots I wanted, I needed one with a closer zoom.
At first I was going to use a conventional science print journal layout for the Zine/newsletter, but now I think I am free to test out more interesting and maybe intriguing styles. A few starters for 10, made on the train.

I took some prints I’d made and gave them to the band. They autographed one set which I kept.

Homeward Bound
Towards the end of the journey, in Ballymoney, the train was almost empty. A Polish family took the table seat across the aisle from me. Their daughter, about 13, sat opposite me at my table. I was reading Bukowski and I glanced at hers, assuming it would be sub-Harry Potter (intellectual snob that I am), and I’m sure my eyes widened, – Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis!