My exhibition website

I bought the domain names and ages ago, but never really used the .net one, it was pointed at the .com site, so I decided to use site for something different plus my part of the cohort’s online group exhibition. I decide this a while ago, but it took some time to… Continue reading My exhibition website

Exhibition Proposals

In the outcomes for Module 1.3 we have to : • Develop an exhibition proposal for a substantial outcome for public presentation. This will include supporting promotional material and working collaboratively to realise presentation. We have to submit a final exhibition proposal one day later (Friday 21st June) than our Zoom discussion and presentation of… Continue reading Exhibition Proposals

Exhibition Reviews

Last Thursday, 13-6-24, we presented our reviews of some exhibitions. I didn’t stick to all of the guidelines, but I thought I gave a pretty decent review anyway. Here are the presentation Slides. Reflection On the first Thursday of every month a lot of galleries in Belfast stay open late, so it’s a good opportunity… Continue reading Exhibition Reviews

Third session of ‘creating a photobook’

Another very interesting session. I had spent a few days learning Affinity Publisher 2 and arrived with a draft of the Riverside exhibition book. The others had not got started with any software, so I was able to try ta few other books (previous Exhibition and 80s musicians).

Contemporary Tales Presentation

Bio Michele asked for a Bio to introduce us. This was mine. David (Wright) is a retired lecturer in energy engineering, renewable energy and climate change. His research interests were principally in biomass, bioenergy, energy from wastes and the techno-economic analysis of power plants. David’s research took him to London (GEC), Ontario, Canada (Brock University),… Continue reading Contemporary Tales Presentation