‘Igneous’ is the title given to our group MA exhibition. I was a bit dubious, I couldn’t see how we all connected with it. The next day I went to Giant’s Causeway, where lava once had poured into the sea. I still couldn’t see a connection for me. Today I was walking in the woods… Continue reading Igneous Composites
Category: Exhibitions
My exhibition website
I bought the domain names david-wright-photography.com and david-wright-photography.net ages ago, but never really used the .net one, it was pointed at the .com site, so I decided to use the.net site for something different plus my part of the cohort’s online group exhibition. I decide this a while ago, but it took some time to… Continue reading My exhibition website
Exhibition Proposals
In the outcomes for Module 1.3 we have to : • Develop an exhibition proposal for a substantial outcome for public presentation. This will include supporting promotional material and working collaboratively to realise presentation. We have to submit a final exhibition proposal one day later (Friday 21st June) than our Zoom discussion and presentation of… Continue reading Exhibition Proposals
Exhibition Reviews
Last Thursday, 13-6-24, we presented our reviews of some exhibitions. I didn’t stick to all of the guidelines, but I thought I gave a pretty decent review anyway. Here are the presentation Slides. Reflection On the first Thursday of every month a lot of galleries in Belfast stay open late, so it’s a good opportunity… Continue reading Exhibition Reviews
Visiting Exhibitions
Thursday has always been my favourite day, but we wont get into that now. After taking the dogs out, Mac round the triangle and Finn to the bluebells in the woods, I took the train to Belfast on the look out for some exhibitions. We have been asked to critique three before planning our entries… Continue reading Visiting Exhibitions
AI and Old Hats (or wallets)
I watched Sarah-Jane Field’s talk on AI on Wednesday evening. It was quite interesting for me as I am very sceptical about the potential, practical uses of this technology. (My group of research energy engineers looked into neural networks and other AI methodology from about 2008.) If it were harmless, then I wouldn’t see anything… Continue reading AI and Old Hats (or wallets)
Photobooks and Flipbooks
I’ve been attending a workshop at Belfast Exposed on creating a photobook on the last 3 Saturdays. It was initially to make a print version of my exhibition at the Riverside and to help reach my audience. In the first session I learned how different and wide-ranging these book can be. Newsletter Also, in a… Continue reading Photobooks and Flipbooks
Third session of ‘creating a photobook’
Another very interesting session. I had spent a few days learning Affinity Publisher 2 and arrived with a draft of the Riverside exhibition book. The others had not got started with any software, so I was able to try ta few other books (previous Exhibition and 80s musicians).
Contemporary Tales Presentation
Bio Michele asked for a Bio to introduce us. This was mine. David (Wright) is a retired lecturer in energy engineering, renewable energy and climate change. His research interests were principally in biomass, bioenergy, energy from wastes and the techno-economic analysis of power plants. David’s research took him to London (GEC), Ontario, Canada (Brock University),… Continue reading Contemporary Tales Presentation
Riverside Reception event
On 14th March we had a wee reception event for my exhibition. It was a really good night! About 30-40 people turned out and I had lots of interest and questions, I never even got a chance to have a glass of wine or bite of anything, All the hard work in preparation was worthwhile.… Continue reading Riverside Reception event