Exhibition Proposals

In the outcomes for Module 1.3 we have to :

Develop an exhibition proposal for a substantial outcome for public presentation. This will include supporting promotional material and working collaboratively to realise presentation.

We have to submit a final exhibition proposal one day later (Friday 21st June) than our Zoom discussion and presentation of our own final exhibition proposal.

We, the cohort, have been planning and discussing a group online exhibition, which we will deliver at the end of August or middle of September. This has also been discussed with the tutors and Caroline.

However, some confusion has arisen lately. The final submissions for the module are due at the end of August, and this includes the outcome cited above. The group online exhibition is 6-8 weeks later.

  1. Is the group exhibition included in our assessment for this module? The outcome, stated above, is for an exhibition proposal, not an exhibition.
  2. Is the final exhibition proposal intended to be for a solo or joint exhibition in the future outside the MA, to help us to prepare for life after the MA.

My interpretation of this final exhibition proposal follows point 2 above, it’s to help us face the outside wold after the MA and is not related to the cohort online exhibition. I hope I’m right!

Proposal for a Physical Exhibition (solo)

This will incorporate most of the things I did for my exhibition at the Riverside Theatre gallery in March 2024. First I will relate the things I did to promote the exhibition.

Brochure for the Riverside theatre’s Spring events

I got approval to hold my exhibition in time for it to be included in the theatre’s brochure for Spring/Summer 24.

Riverside theatre brochure
My page in the Riverside theatre Brochure

This meant the theatre was advertising my exhibition among its other events and would reach a wider audience than I could.

Poster Image, Flyer with QR code, and portfolio website URL for the Riverside exhibition

Flyer with QR code pointing to a Portfolio website

I made a flyer and a portfolio website for the exhibition. The flyer had a QR code which took you to the portfolio website. I also put the flyer on Instagram and Facebook.

The flyer was given to my photography clubs’ members, to the box office at the theatre and to local arts centres.


I’m also going to distribute a newsletter to these places to keep my name and current work in their minds. The first edition of the first newsletter was printed a few days ago. https://spaces.oca.ac.uk/wallet6/2024/06/16/my-first-printed-photobook/

Summer Newsletter
Summer Newsletter

Contents of the solo physical Exhibition

  • Framed or Hanging Posrers
  • Framed Images
  • New Scatter Composite Images
  • New ICM (beach and Bluebells) images

The contents of the exhibition would depend whether I’m responding to a call for a specific subject or to an open call. I’ll use my Riverside exhibition as an example. It was an open call, so I made it around my MA work. I presented the basic sections of my work, composites,


cubist composites,

found poetry

Found Poetry

and ICM,


and I think I would do something like that in the future too. I would probably make a brief photobook too, like a catalogue, to give an introduction to the work and its influences. I made posters in the Riverside exhibition to do the job of the photobook proposed here (explain the themes).

The main contents were printed and mounted images in 50×40 cm black frames. That’s what I would use in the near future, but may move on to canvas boards to better incorporate my collages.

Proposal for an Online Exhibition (solo)

This would be similar to the physical solo exhibition, except that the images would remain digital and the photobook would not be necessary as descriptions could remain on the website text, or the photobook converted into a flipbook.

  • Photobooks/Flipbooks containing composites and hybrid composites

Themes – Memories and Time, based on my MSc period in Canada

Influences – Perec, Proust, Dali, Miro, Barnes

Techniques – Composites, Cubist, Scatter Cubist Composites, Found Poetry, gel plate prints, collage

Themes – Observations on my daily walks, Intentional Camera Movement (ICM)

Proposal for a Physical Exhibition (joint)

I expect most joint exhibitions would have a theme, although the upcoming one at the Engine Room doesn’t, and that would affect the images I’d choose. I’d try to tailor my images to the call as much as possible within the limits of my themes.

Proposal for an Online Exhibition (joint)

This would have to be a collaborative effort, which we will be doing in our cohort online exhibition. Some of our more IT-talented members would bear the brunt of displaying our work. A theme would have to be given or discussed and most of the work would be a subset of the work described in the solo online exhibition.

By Dave

A retired research scientist, a photographer and a Fine Art student

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