My exhibition website

I bought the domain names and ages ago, but never really used the .net one, it was pointed at the .com site, so I decided to use site for something different plus my part of the cohort’s online group exhibition. I decide this a while ago, but it took some time to… Continue reading My exhibition website

Exhibition Proposals

In the outcomes for Module 1.3 we have to : • Develop an exhibition proposal for a substantial outcome for public presentation. This will include supporting promotional material and working collaboratively to realise presentation. We have to submit a final exhibition proposal one day later (Friday 21st June) than our Zoom discussion and presentation of… Continue reading Exhibition Proposals

Summer of Discontent

When we met last week to discuss our reviews of some exhibitions, Michele mentioned a book ‘Summers of Discontent’ and that it had an influence on her thinking and she still found it relevant. I’m always interested in books, so I tried to get a copy. On Amazon, the first date I could get a… Continue reading Summer of Discontent

Exhibition Reviews

Last Thursday, 13-6-24, we presented our reviews of some exhibitions. I didn’t stick to all of the guidelines, but I thought I gave a pretty decent review anyway. Here are the presentation Slides. Reflection On the first Thursday of every month a lot of galleries in Belfast stay open late, so it’s a good opportunity… Continue reading Exhibition Reviews

New website

I am just setting up a new website for the exhibition, books, etc.