When we met last week to discuss our reviews of some exhibitions, Michele mentioned a book ‘Summers of Discontent’ and that it had an influence on her thinking and she still found it relevant. I’m always interested in books, so I tried to get a copy. On Amazon, the first date I could get a copy was in December 24, so I tried other sources, like WOB, but to no avail. I went back to Amazon and bought a Kindle version. I ‘ve just started, but already see that there is certainly lots in it to think about.
When I was last in Canada, about 5 years ago. I arranged to meet an old student friend from my MSc days. We had always spoken of our studies, our common interest in sports, humour and music, but I can’t remember anything deeper. This time, along with his wife, we spoke of the nature of consciousness and that they had read about this subject and attended conferences on it too. We even discussed attending one together. So far this hasn’t happened, but it’s something that remains in my mind to do.
( Is this another instance of memory recovery/stimulation? And, it goes back to my original MSc time in Canada, the setting for this MA).
Source: ‘Sommer of Discontent, the purpose of the arts today’ . Raymond Tallis with Julian Spalding, Wilmington Square Books, London (2014)