Made a flyer for the Riverside exhibition and sent it to SoloPress. Should get them on Tuesday.
Category: Pause2
PRIME, Disappointment
Translink have picked their days to go on strike! I already missed 2 music events in December and now I’ll miss the launch of PRIME because I can’t get to Belfast by train. My car is too unreliable. I was to meet my cousin and her friend, Frank, as well as Kate. Susan was going… Continue reading PRIME, Disappointment
Magic Thursday
I do like a Thursday. That’s my fun day. I’ve been doing train journeys to Belfast on Thursdays for about 10 years. Mainly to photography clubs or sometimes to art events. This week I decided to make the journey for 2 reasons; 1) Chantal is going to France for a fortnight, so I’ll be dog… Continue reading Magic Thursday
PRIME, accepted
I just found out that all three submissions have been accepted for the exhibition! Opening night is on 1st February. Chantal is going to France to see her mother, but Susan has volunteered to look after the dogs that evening so I can go.
It’s 17th January now. I’ll put my images and their states of completion here, from printing onwards. Composites Cubist Images ICM Images I think I am on schedule. I’d like to have 20 mounted images by the weekend, so I just have to mount those cubist images. I’m still reading, creating and thinking too. I… Continue reading PREPARING FOR THE RIVERSIDE THEATRE EXHIBITION part 2
Melting Pot update
I decided to check in with the Artcetera gallery in case I missed the call for their spring exhibition Hi David, No dates have been set yet. I’ll give you a shout when I have more information. Kind regards Olivier Olivier Martin Chairperson ArtCetera Studio 43 b Rosemary Street BT 1 1QB Mail : Tel… Continue reading Melting Pot update
PRIME, delivered my submissions
Today I took my 3 submissions for the PRIME exhibition down to Arts Care in Belfast. There is one for each of my categories, ICM, Composite Memories and Cubism. If they aren’t chosen, I can put them into the Riverside exhibition. I used the cheap frames from B&M (£8.99) as they had D-rings attached to… Continue reading PRIME, delivered my submissions
Preparing for the Riverside Theatre exhibition
The exhibition doesn’t take place until the beginning of March, and Module 3 of the MA starts towards the middle of February, so I have been using December to check out frames (still doing that, although I have around 30 from my last exhibition), collect paper and ink, and tidy up my working area. My… Continue reading Preparing for the Riverside Theatre exhibition
Sometimes I get excited by the theme of an exhibition or a call for papers, but then I see it’s restricted to artists under 25 or otherwise age restricted. Fair enough, they do need a leg up, but maybe the competition could be divided into separate categories. This time however, the restriction was in my… Continue reading Prime
‘The Sense of an Ending’
In the last week of Module 1.2 the film of this book was on TV. I’d seen it before, but missed the beginning, and anyway, I needed a break from writing those submissions! I have always liked Julian Barnes’ writing style, so I watched the film again. As I watched it, I saw so many… Continue reading ‘The Sense of an Ending’