Translink have picked their days to go on strike! I already missed 2 music events in December and now I’ll miss the launch of PRIME because I can’t get to Belfast by train. My car is too unreliable. I was to meet my cousin and her friend, Frank, as well as Kate. Susan was going to look after the dogs, since Chantal is in France visiting her mother. Ah well. I’ll go to the exhibition once Chantal is home, but it would have been good for networking etc. to go to the launch.
later …
Well my cousin did go to the launch and took a few quick pics. She said, “Lovely work David…the Cubist Lady drew a lot of interest while we were standing around! Great show…such a variety of work and talent. Let me know when you are coming down to it and I will try to meet up with you xx”

Clare, the organiser, said she would send me some shots of the night too.
I saw a post on Facebook by Arts Care, the organisers of PRIME, with photos of the opening night.