Preparing for the Riverside Theatre exhibition

The exhibition doesn’t take place until the beginning of March, and Module 3 of the MA starts towards the middle of February, so I have been using December to check out frames (still doing that, although I have around 30 from my last exhibition), collect paper and ink, and tidy up my working area.

My rough plan is to show images form three area of my MA work, 1) Composites, the variations of a composite, representing reflections of a memory and the memory’s variation with time; 2) a selection of images on different layers in a Cubist/impressionistic style intending to give an impression of movement in a single image; 3) ICM images of subjects in my daily walks in the woods or on the beaches near where I live.

All have a relevance to my original themes of time, memories and the variation of memories with time.

I am also preparing framed prints for the PRIME exhibition – submissions due next week and to the ‘Emerging Artists’ exhibition, sometime in the Spring.

Last night I intended to print 2 images from the Composite theme and mount them today. I got into a rhythm and actually printed 8 images, one new. I hope to mount these images tonight and perhaps print one of the Cubist (for the PRIME exhibition), if I have time.

By Dave

A retired research scientist, a photographer and a Fine Art student

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