It’s 17th January now. I’ll put my images and their states of completion here, from printing onwards.


  • Printed Only
  • Printed and Mounted 12
  • Printed, Mounted and Framed 1 (for PRIME)

Cubist Images

  • Printed Only 6
  • Printed and Mounted 2
  • Printed, Mounted and Framed 1 (for PRIME)

ICM Images

  • Printed Only 1
  • Printed and Mounted 1
  • Printed, Mounted and Framed 1 (for PRIME)

I think I am on schedule. I’d like to have 20 mounted images by the weekend, so I just have to mount those cubist images. I’m still reading, creating and thinking too. I don’t think I ever described the nuts and bolts of how I make the composites and cubist images, like I did with the extraction/erasure poetry. I’ll have to do that, maybe as a video or Powerpoint presentation. Describing something usually helps me clarify my mind in what I’m doing.

18th January

I just was watching an ICM video on Youtube. The guy, David Day, makes some interesting ICM images with tissue paper. I need to produce/edit a few more ICMs (do I? I don’t have to make the same number of each; composites, cubist, and ICM. I should try to think of the audience at the Riverside, not of the MA experts!) and include a section with some images in a collaboration with Anna.

Later …. 3 more cubist and 1 ICM mounted. That’s 19 in total. I’ll go out in the snow now with Finn.

I got some nice pics in the snow, including a couple of ICMs

20th January

The snow has turned to ice and slush. I tried a few more ICMs.

21st January

Mounted a cubist, that’s my goal reached (20 printed and mounted by today). I’m going to try a blend of 2 of the cubists today. Blend below.

here's a gradient here going from normal cubic to AIremix
There’s a gradient here going from normal cubic to AIremix

22d January

Mounted the ‘blend’ above. That’s 21 printed and mounted.

‘Shattered Glass’ Cubism

I’m thinking of trying the ‘shattered glass’ type of cubism. It would just mean breaking up one image into several pieces and moving the shards. Or maybe that would end up being very similar, or not as good as what I’m calling my ‘Composite Image’. Saw a nice method on Youtube.


Recently I got some stencils with diamond and hexagon patterns. I could try to use them with the gel plates and/or with collage tissues. I’m intending to try this when module 1.3 begins, but maybe I could do a few tests sooner.

26th January

I went up to the Riverside tonight to check out the wall space, in case anything had been changed. It was mainly unchanged, except one eating booth had been replaced by a freezer and storage for the cafe, but there is still an area above to hang prints. I roughly measured the space. I forgot to bring in my camera from the car and people were coming in to watch a show. Must go there again.

29th January

Two framed. I wanted to use Kate’s (IKEA) frames first, as they have D-rings inside the frame. The first one went well, but the second mount was just too big for the frame.

31st January

Another 8 framed today, that’s ten in total. I’ve been using my own Strand frames as the double mounts were made by the same company and fit. However I had used ring hooks for the last exhibition, which stick out the back of the frame. Not easy for stacking and transporting. Also, they were fitted manly for landscapes and I have about 10 or 11 prints in portrait form this time and maybe 5 or 6 last time.

2nd February

5 more framed today. That’s 15 in total. I have 3 Strand vertical frames left and 5 vertical mounted prints and a couple more landscape prints. I might have to change the mount orientation on some of the Strand mounts (landscape to portrait), I still have about 10 of them. Must check if Kate’s white mounts are vertical for the ICMs. I need to make a couple of erasure poetry prints.

3rd February

3 more framed today, to make18 in total. That was the last 3 Strand portrait frames.

5th February

1 more framed, so that’s 12 composites, 6 cubist and 1 ICM printed, mounted and framed. I have 1 more cubist printed. I’ve put D rings on 2 of the black Strand frames. They look okay, but they do protrude about 2-3 mm.

7th February

Printed 3 more ICMs and I have one or two Cubists printed. I can’t spend any time upstairs working. Last night I tried to do a bit of Photoshop, but the dogs followed me. I don’t really mind if Finn comes up, but it’s too dangerous for Mac, especially coming down. His legs can’t support him too well as the hips are worn out. Hopefully they will stay downstairs when Chantal comes back from France on Saturday.

I think that’s almost enough single prints, except for a few on Erasure and the posters with explanations.

9th February

4 more ICMs printed and mounted, then 3 of them framed. That’s 12 composites, 6 cubists, and 4 ICMs ready (22 total). Received an order of mounts from Strand (in Cork) yesterday that I ordered 2 days beforehand.

2 more ICMs framed. These are vertical ones, so I had to put in D-rings for them. (24 total)


Four Erasure/extraction poetry images printed tonight.

By Dave

A retired research scientist, a photographer and a Fine Art student

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