I’m on the train (actually this took place yesterday) going to Belfast for the second part of the ‘Creating a Photobook’ workshop at Belfast Exposed. I have a notebook, a camera and a book (‘Surfacing’ by Kathleen Jamie, recommended by Michele.

I’ve been making a lot of ICM images lately, mainly in the woods or on the beach, but a couple of times it was on the train, and I wanted to make some today and maybe with some reflected bits from opposite train windows. I try some shots now.
I take out the book, turn to the next page and the next short story is called ‘Reflection’. She is on a train in Scotland. The sea is on one side, a forest or fields on the other. Sometimes the reflection makes the forest appear to be in the sea. I look out my window. It’s a misty scene. I make some images, trying to see where the reflections were falling, but the light was too bright. An odd coincidence anyway.

On the train home I got a table seat again. The girl sitting on the other side of the aisle was tapping away. She was using 2 laptops and a mobile phone. One of her hands stayed in her mouth behind her top teeth most of the time. The guy sitting opposite me had a huge strawberry birthmark on his face and head. It was hard not to stare.