A possible paper? – update.

Ten days to go before submission to the call mentioned in https://spaces.oca.ac.uk/wallet6/2023/07/23/a-possible-paper/. This would be my first paper submission (in FA, I know my way around science submissions) and I’d like it to be at least in the correct format for Fine Arts genre. DRAFT The Wrong Box and the Wallet David Wright, Open College… Continue reading A possible paper? – update.

A Bag of Marbles

This is a book I got today at a charity shop. It’s about two boys during World War II. I’m seeing interesting stuff everywhere now about time, memories and how they change. The words in the preface struck a chord. Preface “This book isn’t the work of a historian. I’ve drawn on my childhood recollections… Continue reading A Bag of Marbles


“We are doing that in my Book Club”, said the woman sitting opposite me on the train. I was on the last leg of my journey home from Berlin where I had attended a workshop in video editing. It was a long, strenuous trip ; the U-Bahn from Wittenburgplatz to Bahnhof Zoo, the train from… Continue reading Lessons

Current Studio Practice

This was my presentation (https://spaces.oca.ac.uk/wallet6/wp-content/uploads/sites/3554/2023/08/Current-Studio-Practice-smaller-David-Wright.pptx), but not really how I presented it! I was expecting some people for another cohort, so I put in some background, but only one was present. I wrote a bit for the other cohort, and here it is, but I didn’t read it out, just improvised. 1 First Page Hi,… Continue reading Current Studio Practice