A Bag of Marbles

This is a book I got today at a charity shop. It’s about two boys during World War II.

I’m seeing interesting stuff everywhere now about time, memories and how they change.

The words in the preface struck a chord.


“This book isn’t the work of a historian. I’ve drawn on my childhood recollections to tell my adventures during the Occupation.

Thirty years have gone by since I was that ten-year -old boy. Not only do we forget things, but our memory often plays tricks on us, altering the things that we remember. But the important part, the true part, is still there – the mixture of tenderness, comedy and anguish. To avoid hurt feelings, the names of many people who appear in this story have been changed. It is the story of two children in a world of cruelty, absurdity, and, at times, helpfulness of the most unexpected kind.”

  • my bold print.

Joffo, J. (1974) A Bag of Marbles. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

By Dave

A retired research scientist, a photographer and a Fine Art student

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