Marcel Duchamp stated in a lecture in 1957, “The creative act is not performed by the artist alone; the spectator brings the work in contact with the external world by deciphering and interpreting its inner qualifications and thus adds his contribution to the creative act.” (Duchamp, 1975) p. 138–140. Clearly he considered the art to… Continue reading Art and its Audience
Category: 1.2 Contextual Perspectives
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Memory and Time
I had been musing about memory before this degree and thinking quite a bit about it while doing my practice since then. I started reading about it only a few weeks ago, and guess what, lots of other have been having similar thoughts, and much deeper, for a long time. In 1690 John Locke is… Continue reading Memory and Time
Reaching my audience
My previous photography exhibitions have all been static, framed prints hanging on walls around the foyer of the local theatre or in the gallery or exhibition space of a local arts centre. Can I find other ways of engaging the audience? Maybe online videos, to which I give links or QR codes from descriptions on… Continue reading Reaching my audience
On the train again
Last Thursday was the first Thursday of the month – late night for the art galleries in Belfast. So off I went, on the train again. “You are always commenting on Liz’s exes.” No, I’m not. Anyway I know them too. And she comments on mine too. Look.” “It makes you look jealous.” “Well, I’m… Continue reading On the train again
Flow Diagram of ‘Memories’ theme
This is a block flow diagram of my practice in my main theme, starting from the Research block on the left, to the Inputs block at the top, then down through the middle to the Dissemination block at the bottom. Both the Dissemination Block and the Inputs can be connected to the Archives block on… Continue reading Flow Diagram of ‘Memories’ theme
MSc Photo
I sent this to my mother. It had pride of place on her side table for a while, and eventually ended up above the dresser in the scullery, gathering dust. The photo always makes me smile. It looks as if I’m rigged out in a suit and bow tie under the robes, but I was… Continue reading MSc Photo
Lovely quote on Memories
From page IX of the Preface and Acknowledgements of Meeting the Universe Halfway: “Memory does not reside in the folds of individual brains: rather, memory is the enfoldings of space-time-matter written into the universe, or better, the enfolded articulations of the universe in its mattering. Memory is not a record of a fixed past that… Continue reading Lovely quote on Memories
Exhibition description, Riverside
I didn’t read Roseanne’s latest email properly. She needs a title, jpg and a description of the exhibition this week to go into a brochure for the coming semester! Must do it this morning. Title: ‘Memories had a short half life’ Text for the brochure I could do better, but I’m a bit rushed. Where… Continue reading Exhibition description, Riverside
Considering other ways to vary composites
I want to make a series of composites where part of each image fades away, part stays constant, another part changes colour and maybe an undiscovered part comes forward, to represent the way memories change over time. I have already done some where the composites blend differently and there’s colour change, but they didn’t have… Continue reading Considering other ways to vary composites
Flowerfield Arts Centre
I called in to Flowerfield AC a couple of weeks ago to pick up a piece of glass from a workshop and enquired about the possibility of holding an exhibition/ giving a talk/or running a workshop. Unfortunately no one was available at the time, but I was told the exhibition space was booked until 2024.… Continue reading Flowerfield Arts Centre