I’ll have to edit this part for his title, but it’s about presenting your ongoing work and your final version, and explaining the difference. This part is about retaining the complexity and not over-simplifying our work. Rationalisation in Visual Art This part got my attention. This is one of the four things he’s telling us… Continue reading Lecture from Dr. Brian Eccleshall
Category: 1.2 Jul
Back in my other studios
I got some books this week, so I went to my “studios” to read them. The first one was in a pub in Coleraine on Monday, and the second was on a the train to Belfast on Friday. The Old Courthouse This was in the Weatherspoons, then Granny Annies group and now is unchained. Repainted… Continue reading Back in my other studios
Test Your Boundaries
Session outline. (Week 7) Have you found your boundaries? A session to examine your progress with Testing your Boundaries. Bring to the session an example of where you have come across a boundary and what you have done to work with this to overcome it. Be prepared to discuss this and share your account… Continue reading Test Your Boundaries
Making Day
We had another Making Day last week. Six out of seven of us made it and a couple were able to work outdoors, so it was a lot of fun. I did some gel plate work and a couple of erasure/extraction poems. I am still just experimenting with the poetry technique and I still mess… Continue reading Making Day
A possible Paper?
I’d like to get some work from this MA before an audience. We talked about conferences, seminars, residencies and abstracts of papers last week at our drop-in with Michele, who gave us good info on this. Next day Anna sent me details https://spaces.oca.ac.uk/wallet6/wp-content/uploads/sites/3554/2023/07/CFP-Writing-Artifacts-Edited-Collection.pdf of a CFP (call for papers) on something relevant for me. “… Continue reading A possible Paper?
Defamiliarisation through compositing
What a title! I was just reading an article, “‘Force yourself to see more flatly’: A photographic investigation of the infra-ordinary” by Joanne Lee in Forsdick, C., Leak, A.N. and Phillips, R. (2019) Georges Perec’s geographies : material, performative and textual spaces. 1st edn. London: UCL Press. Lee consciously takes Perec’s suggestion ‘to see more… Continue reading Defamiliarisation through compositing
Books about Art
Blair, what have you done? Only joking, but you shouldn’t have introduced me to this site! I’m a sucker for books. I have bookcases in 4 rooms and in the attic, and more will certainly come now. Brion Gysin, Identity and myself, oh, and Perec too Gysin I started reading the foreword (by Vincent J.… Continue reading Books about Art
Video Workshop in Berlin
I’m going to Berlin in August to take part in a video workshop. I need to get to grips with video editing. I used to do some editing with Flash, so I’m familiar with timelines etc., but I need to update my skills. It’s an excuse to go back to Berlin again too. my second… Continue reading Video Workshop in Berlin
Artists to check
Hayley mentioned these artists that might be relevant to my work, so I’ll be checking them out. Lawrence Wiener, https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artists/lawrence-weiner-7743 Mel Bochner, https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artists/mel-bochner-772 Sean Landers, http://www.seanlanders.net/ Erica Baum, https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/681578 Christopher Wool, http://web.guggenheim.org/exhibitions/wool/ She also mentioned Italo Calvino https://www.britannica.com/biography/Italo-Calvino and Brioyn Gysin. https://www.briongysin.com/ Lisa mentioned Tom Phillips. https://www.tomphillips.co.uk/ Blair gave me Kerri Langsdale, @theartoftimeproject on Instagram.… Continue reading Artists to check
Variations on a Theme
I’ve been messing with a composite of several layers in Photoshop. The layers are so composed that they can have several appearances depending on some subtle and some not-so-subtle tweaks. I started with these layers and used the compositing method below. I’ll have to look up the Youtube video where I first saw this methodology.… Continue reading Variations on a Theme