Picasso, Braque, Cubism and me

I have just been working on a set of composites from one set of images, showing variations in each composite to signify different reflections, varying memories and altered emotions at different times that the memories are recalled. These composites work on static images, frozen in time, but what if I altered these images in some… Continue reading Picasso, Braque, Cubism and me

A possible paper? – update.

Ten days to go before submission to the call mentioned in https://spaces.oca.ac.uk/wallet6/2023/07/23/a-possible-paper/. This would be my first paper submission (in FA, I know my way around science submissions) and I’d like it to be at least in the correct format for Fine Arts genre. DRAFT The Wrong Box and the Wallet David Wright, Open College… Continue reading A possible paper? – update.