Since I was nudged into discovering Georges Perec in the first module, I have been so impressed by his work and his universal relevance, and many aspects of my work can relate to his. In an article by Paul Grimstad in The New Yorker ( Grimstad, P. 2019. The Absolute Originality of Georges Perec. The… Continue reading Two Articles on Perec
Category: Wallet
Trains, Things and a Seeping man
Should have been “Sleeping Man”, but this is an apposite typo! I watched the film, “Un homme qui dort” , “A Man Asleep”, on Youtube before Christmas, but I didn’t get it and I think I gave up halfway. I started reading thee two works “Things: a story of the Sixties” and “A Man… Continue reading Trains, Things and a Seeping man
Things: a story of the Sixties
I’m trying to read more of Perec’s work; I only had time to skim it and other works in the first module. On the back cover is a quote from a review by Andrew Motion in The Observer. “Things: A story of the Sixties is the story of a young couple who want to enjoy… Continue reading Things: a story of the Sixties
Musing and Reflection
We are in the pause between the first and second modules of the MA at present. In the first module I was looking for, and found, a portfolio group of themes under the umbrella of TIME. Theme One was the observation and examination of the infra-ordinary, the endotic – observing everyday objects and daily and… Continue reading Musing and Reflection
Jelly on the plate
So far my work has been mainly to do with digital photography, digital editing, compositing and writing. I’d like to extend it into hybrid forms of collaging. This is a good time to try such work, in between modules, when we have no official course work to do. One of the methods I’m going to… Continue reading Jelly on the plate
Three Images, nearly
In Week 15 we had to show 3 images of our work for critique by the members of our cohort. I snuck in an extra one as the title page. I don’t think I’ve got this composite idea of thesis plus wallet content or photo from that era working yet, but I still want to… Continue reading Three Images, nearly
Another Book
It arrived today, recommended by Caroline. This is an interesting book which shows many interesting ways of displaying collections of objects. Maybe it will give me an idea for my ‘Pandora’s Box’ of artifacts from the 70s.
More books, Perec and Keri Smith
More reading for the New Year! Keri Smith’s ‘Everything is Connected’ is a book of postcards (!) with suggestions or inspirations for practical art if you run out of ideas. Perec’s books are ‘Life, a user’s manual’ and ‘I remember’.
5th January Presentation
I wanted to make a Pecha-Kucha style presentation but my speech is sloower and slurred since my stroke in 2014, so I took out the 20 second transitions and just winged it. This is the presentation
Father Time
I like to think I’m a smart cookie, but sometimes …. After the student presentations last night I was thinking about the possible themes I’ll be working on. All of them had some sort of relationship with time, and I’d said already that I’d been fascinated with the concepts of time from my early 20s.… Continue reading Father Time