I want to keep up with my work on the beach, with images made at different exposure times. My friend, Kate, and I are taking an online workshop with Shona Perkins ( https://mybeautifulscotland.com/ ) and I’ve been making some ICM images. 1st October Met Kate for a sunset shoot at White Park Bay. It was… Continue reading October’s ICM
Category: Beach
I was reading about symbols for ‘time’ in art tonight and came across this passage in https://www.artmajeur.com/en/magazine/5-art-history/the-representation-of-time-passing-in-art/330158 “At the very beginning of the 17th century, paintings of a new genre appeared, the Vanities . This name takes its root from the term “vain”, which refers to what is empty, illusory. These are paintings classified in the genre… Continue reading Foam
Three Images, nearly
In Week 15 we had to show 3 images of our work for critique by the members of our cohort. I snuck in an extra one as the title page. I don’t think I’ve got this composite idea of thesis plus wallet content or photo from that era working yet, but I still want to… Continue reading Three Images, nearly
5th January Presentation
I wanted to make a Pecha-Kucha style presentation but my speech is sloower and slurred since my stroke in 2014, so I took out the 20 second transitions and just winged it. This is the presentation https://north-coast.space/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/5th-Jan-23-presentation.pptx
Altered Book 2
I thought I’d make a start on this idea, so I made (in Photoshop) a few backgrounds. Then made a distressed edge Did this with a couple of my thesis pages These are incomplete, but something to ponder and try again. I think I need more colour, they are a bit bland.
Whiterocks beach
I went to Whiterocks beach this morning before sunrise with Mac and Finn, my Irish setters. It was a murky morning, very misty. The sky had a magenta hue from the early red and grey colours diffused by the mist, although the colour changed from moment to moment. Mac, aged 11, in the foreground and… Continue reading Whiterocks beach
Castlerock Beach this time
Sundays on the beach aren’t a good place for walking dogs in winter. Sunrise is so late even the lazyboneses can be there! I wonder should I contact these ladies about what the swimming in the sea does for them? Maybe give a questionnaire to the two I know? Finn is a blur as he… Continue reading Castlerock Beach this time