Trains, Things and a Seeping man

Should have been “Sleeping Man”, but this is an apposite typo!

I watched the film, “Un homme qui dort” , “A Man Asleep”, on Youtube before Christmas, but I didn’t get it and I think I gave up halfway.

I started reading thee two works “Things: a story of the Sixties” and “A Man Asleep” on my recent train journeys, just finishing the latter yesterday.

I must say that reading the two stories one after another made a lot of sense; they contrasted well.

Perec, G. (2011) Things : a story of the sixties ; with, A man asleep. London: Vintage Classic.

Old lady on the train
Old lady on the train

This old lady sat opposite me on the 90 minute journey to Belfast. She hardly stirred the whole time, lost in thoughts and memories?

By Dave

A retired research scientist, a photographer and a Fine Art student

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