his is a book I got today at a charity shop. It’s about two boys during World War II. I’m seeing interesting stuff everywhere now about time, memories and how they change. The words in the preface struck a chord. Preface “This book isn’t the work of a historian. I’ve drawn on my childhood recollections… Continue reading A Bag of Marbles
Category: Pandora’s Box
Current Studio Practice
This was my presentation (https://oca-wp-journals.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3554/2023/08/Current-Studio-Practice-smaller-David-Wright.pptx), but not really how I presented it! I was expecting some people for another cohort, so I put in some background, but only one was present. I wrote a bit for the other cohort, and here it is, but I didn’t read it out, just improvised. 1 First Page Hi,… Continue reading Current Studio Practice
The Seven Year Hitch
A couple of weeks ago I took the train to Belfast. The train is part of my studio, if I can get a seat with a table. I have a new camera and I wanted to try it’s video function out at a music gig, Grainne Duffy was playing and I really enjoy her music.… Continue reading The Seven Year Hitch
Artists to check
Hayley mentioned these artists that might be relevant to my work, so I’ll be checking them out. Lawrence Wiener, https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artists/lawrence-weiner-7743 Mel Bochner, https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artists/mel-bochner-772 Sean Landers, http://www.seanlanders.net/ Erica Baum, https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/681578 Christopher Wool, http://web.guggenheim.org/exhibitions/wool/ She also mentioned Italo Calvino https://www.britannica.com/biography/Italo-Calvino and Brioyn Gysin. https://www.briongysin.com/ Lisa mentioned Tom Phillips. https://www.tomphillips.co.uk/ Blair gave me Kerri Langsdale, @theartoftimeproject on Instagram.… Continue reading Artists to check
Variations on a Theme
I’ve been messing with a composite of several layers in Photoshop. The layers are so composed that they can have several appearances depending on some subtle and some not-so-subtle tweaks. I started with these layers and used the compositing method below. I’ll have to look up the Youtube video where I first saw this methodology.… Continue reading Variations on a Theme
Ageing, Perec and Time
In the book “The Review of Contemporary Fiction: Georges Perec Issue” (O’Brien, J. (ed.) (2009) The Review of Contemporary Fiction; Georges Perec Issue. end.: Dalkey Archive Press. ), there is an interview in English of Perec by Kaye Mortley called the Doing of Fiction (pp. 94-111). on p.99 he says, ” … I am, I… Continue reading Ageing, Perec and Time
Extraction of the Fraction
I wanted to try some erasure/extraction poetry, using pages from my MSc thesis from the 70s as the source material and maybe use some gel plate techniques to add some interest. One of the first pages I chose (p. 90), gave me the line “Extraction of the Fraction”, an omen for this kind of work?… Continue reading Extraction of the Fraction
Testing Your Boundaries
I wrote this before the second module began, but I forgot to transcribe it from my notebook! Worksheet on Initial Thinking What is the focus of my practice? My main theme is the observation of ordinary objects and/or everyday routines and their changing relationship with time and possibly entropy (if I have time!). These observations… Continue reading Testing Your Boundaries
Another train journey, another Perec book
Last Saturday I was going to Belfast again ( for a Grainne Duffy band gig) and had another Perec book with me. It was another enlightening read, since there were transcripts of a couple of interviews with Perec, an introduction by his collaborator, Harry Matthews, his main translator, David Bellos and several other interesting articles.… Continue reading Another train journey, another Perec book
Perec and Food
I have just found an article by Priya Wadhera entitled, “Food Fears: From Proust to Perec, Madeleine to Anti-madeleine”. Priya Wadhera, P., Romanic Review (2021) 112 (2): 321–335. https://doi.org/10.1215/00358118-9091157 She self-cited another book article, which I haven’t found yet, “Wadhera, Priya. “Manger chez Perec: Le Geste Anti-madeleine dans La Vie mode d’emploi de Georges Perec.”… Continue reading Perec and Food