Every night I walk in the woods with Finn. My dogs have always loved going out at night, and so do I. The weather has been really mild lately. I was walking in the woods tonight, just with a sweatshirt. The previous two nights were a wee bit colder, but the sky was cloudless and… Continue reading Night walks
Category: MFA Journal
I have just had an email from Arts Care to say they are expecting 3 exhibits for their latest PRIME exhibition in February/March, with the theme ‘Here Now’. I submitted 3 images of my ‘observations on everyday life’, inspired by the work of Georges Perec. I thought I had missed out this year, as I’d… Continue reading PRIME 2
New Portfolio Page
I’ve just added this portfolio page to the site. I’m not sure how to structure it yet.
Some of my Photobooks
I started to make a photobook for the MFA in the last few months, but Clare thought it was too early and would stop me experimenting. I understand her view, but I don’t think she knew I’d just finished an MA in Fine Arts, and my work in the MFA would probably be an extension… Continue reading Some of my Photobooks
Final Year Modules
I just wanted to remind myself about what we will be doing next Year 25-26, starting in September 2025. Semester one PHT805CRN: 56987 Master’s Project Campus Belfast Tutor Professor Donovan Wylie Semester 1 Description This 60 Credit module is designed to facilitate a range of professional and critical outcomes encouraging students to develop a contextualised,… Continue reading Final Year Modules
Semester Two Modules- Spring 2025
PHT803CRN: 56985 Contemporary Contexts Campus Belfast Tutor Mr Ken Grant Semester 2 Description This module supports the ongoing development of the students’ independent practice taking particular account of where photographs end up. The module encourages students to consider the exhibition, publication and distributional context of their work at the point of production. A number of… Continue reading Semester Two Modules- Spring 2025
Importance of Georges Perec
I found this article a couple of months ago, written by a man from ‘the north of Ireland’. It’s a very interesting piece on Perec.
I only came across this word this morning. I couldn’t get back to sleep at 4.30 am, and I started watching Youtube. Rugby, photography, zines, bookreaders, gel plate artists are my usual categories, but somehow the algorithm took me to journal writing, or maybe I typed that, and I ended up in ‘commonplace journaling’ or… Continue reading Commonplacing
I ordered a pile of books on Memory, Entropy and so on this month to read in the semester break. I want to see if any new themes come out of that. I doubt if I’ll get through them all, I’ll probably get sidelined with one or two, and only read bits of the others… Continue reading Books
We kept a journal on the MA Fine Arts course and I found it very useful, not only for telling the tutors about my work, but also as an aid memoire for me and a reflection space. Looking back on it, and it only ended a few months ago, I had forgotten how excited I… Continue reading Purpose