I only came across this word this morning. I couldn’t get back to sleep at 4.30 am, and I started watching Youtube. Rugby, photography, zines, bookreaders, gel plate artists are my usual categories, but somehow the algorithm took me to journal writing, or maybe I typed that, and I ended up in ‘commonplace journaling’ or ‘commonplacing’. This was apparently commonplace in the 16th century and was/is a type of journaling, where facts, quotes etc. are collected and indexed so that connections could be made.
I like to keep a sort of journal, but I’m not so organised that I could call it commonplacing. I’ve about 15 notebooks on the go, as well as online stuff, but thy are chaotic. There are work notes from about 2004, photography club planning from 2016, excerpts from an OU creative writing course, scores from a Turkish holiday and now lots of content from the MA and MFA in the past two years.