I combined this image twice with one of me The first composite Another, other tester -trying another portrait The Second Composite The composite
Category: 1.1 Feb
Showing Work
Some work I made tonight, using Photoshop to make 2 composites. here are the 2 composites I made. Just testers, I think.
More on Robert Smithson
I found some videos on Youtube about Robert Smithson. I haven’t been convinced so far on his ideas on entropy, but I found Trevor Paglen’s talk mentioning George Kubler (see his talk at https://www.artforum.com/print/197308/a-talk-with-george-kubler-37980) and Bergsen (check spelling and who they are) and their views on Time, Duration, History and Art fascinating. e.g. “duration can… Continue reading More on Robert Smithson
Middle Row Composites
I will try to make some composites (nearly) every day even if they are not great, to get the ball rolling. Two scans from the middle drawer The Composites I like bits of each, so I may come back and work more on them.
Middle Row scanned
Well, one row of the Pandora’s Box contents is sorted and scanned! It took 3 days, was tiring as I read EVERY letter. Left Row Next comes the LEFT row. I think it contains mostly letters. Right Row I just sorted most of these in terms of author. They are mainly earlier letters and from… Continue reading Middle Row scanned
Scanning ‘Pandora’s Box’
I decided, after some prodding by Michele (!), to plunge in and just start on something alongside the reading and writing. Tonight I scanned most of the objects, except personal letters, from the middle drawer of the storage chest of drawers containing the objects from Pandora’s box. How will I collate the personal letters? Just… Continue reading Scanning ‘Pandora’s Box’
Art and Entropy – problems with some interpretations
In my contextual study outline I mentioned the following: “I have been reading quite a bit on art and entropy. In the papers I’ve read so far (cite them), from the artists’ standpoint, on entropy there have been fundamental misunderstandings or flaws in the interpretation of the meaning and consequences of entropy as a thermodynamic… Continue reading Art and Entropy – problems with some interpretations
I was reading about symbols for ‘time’ in art tonight and came across this passage in https://www.artmajeur.com/en/magazine/5-art-history/the-representation-of-time-passing-in-art/330158 “At the very beginning of the 17th century, paintings of a new genre appeared, the Vanities . This name takes its root from the term “vain”, which refers to what is empty, illusory. These are paintings classified in the genre… Continue reading Foam
A Story of Deception by Francis Alys
Well, I think this book is one I will read and think about for quite a while! He creates imaginative actions which have thought-provoking and enigmatic interpretations. A lot have to do with massive amounts of work with little end product. More later.
Another book
It arrived today, recommended by Caroline. This is an interesting book which shows many interesting ways of displaying collections of objects. Maybe it will give me an idea for my ‘Pandora’s Box’ of artifacts from the 70s.