Middle Row scanned

Middle Row sorted and scanned
Middle Row sorted and scanned

Well, one row of the Pandora’s Box contents is sorted and scanned! It took 3 days, was tiring as I read EVERY letter.

Left Row

Next comes the LEFT row. I think it contains mostly letters.

Left Row

Right Row

I just sorted most of these in terms of author. They are mainly earlier letters and from Gail to 76 and then Vicki from 77. There are very few artifacts other than letters.

I’m glad to have made this preliminary sorting!

I read a few letters and was carried back, although with present eyes, the meanings have changed for me as I know what happened next.

Right Row sorted
Right Row sorted

I found a bank book, Top right of drawer. According to it, I had $55 balance in 1978. I wonder how much that would be now?

By Dave

A retired research scientist, a photographer and a Fine Art student

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