Defamiliarisation through compositing

What a title! I was just reading an article, “‘Force yourself to see more flatly’: A photographic investigation of the infra-ordinary” by Joanne Lee in Forsdick, C., Leak, A.N. and Phillips, R. (2019) Georges Perec’s geographies : material, performative and textual spaces. 1st edn. London: UCL Press. Lee consciously takes Perec’s suggestion ‘to see more… Continue reading Defamiliarisation through compositing

MSc thesis

I’ve been referring to this in my work and using some pages in my practice, so I thought I should add it to the blog. It’s got the catchy title of “Dechanneling of 2 MeV Helium Ions in Gold“. This was completed in 1978 at Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada.