A Busy Week

I’m still out of breath from last week!

Saturday 1st June

On the beach at 4.30am with Finn. I’d seen some link to a Norwegian artist from 100 years ago who had images similar to those on Whiterocks, of a beach arch and the beach beyond. I wanted to make some and show them to our cohort.

I made some ICM images too.

Monday 3rd June

I had been working on my Summer 24 Newsletter photobook over the weekend, first version, and sent it off to Mixam to be printed. I wasn’t too happy with it, but I wanted to see how it would look, set up in Affinity Publisher 2 and printed by Mixam. It will be reviewed, futtered with and re-submitted, no doubt.

Tuesday 4th June

I went to Belfast in the late afternoon, to Belfast Exposed for the openings of two exhibitions.

Belfast Stitched by L. F. Krige

The first one, at 6pm, was by a South African photographer, whose exhibition concerned panoramas of Belfast on large format film cameras and using digital cameras too. His images were of several shots stitched together. He had interesting stories of taking night shots in Belfast, Johannesburg, and Sao Paolo.

MFA Photography Exhibition

At 7pm the second exhibition opened. It was from 10 students on the MFA Photography course at Ulster University, and I was curious to see what sort of themes were on show and their content. (“In an era of symbolic societal structural change, this photography collective which establishes navigational points through journeys of introspection, contemplation and modes of existence. Exploring themes such as consciousness and the physical realm, growth, transformation, belief and faith.” Better punctuation and a few verbs might have made this clearer, but I doubt it.) The opening lasted an hour, so the students only had around 6 minutes each to present their work. I wasn’t overawed.

Using a homemade camera and AI
Using a homemade camera and AI
Terrible spotlighting in Belfast Exposed!
Terrible spotlighting in Belfast Exposed!
Blurring came from moisture condensing on/in lens
Blurring came from moisture condensing on/in lens

At the Belfast Exposed exhibitions I met two of the people who had been on the ‘Creating a Photobook’ course there in April. We are going to try to get an exhibition when we all have completed a book.

Wednesday 5th June

I shared my Newsletter pdf with Anna, She has a lot of experience in print and online editing.

Thursday 6th June

Wow, Anna really has great ideas to transform my Newsletter. I tend to lay out my work in a dull, boring, scholarly style, whereas she has a more artistic eye-catching way of presenting the same thing. I have a lot to learn here. Started working on it. I’m constantly thinking about making better photobooks and flipbooks. I’ve now got an annual account with Heyzine for flipbooks.

Friday 7th June

Went to Belfast again. I want to use an exhibition at The MAC in our review of three exhibitions, and didn’t think the images I’d made were good enough, and I wanted some more videos too. Spent an hour at the Mac, but when I looked over my images/videos on the train home, I didn’t think they were any better. However, in the American Bar I picked up a few brochures/zines of festivals that give me some inspiration.

Saturday 8th June

Working on my Three Exhibitions presentation. I was intending to do, 1) Caravaggio; 2) The Engine Room; 3) The MAC, and that’s the line-up still. Should I put in the Belfast Exposed two for contrast? I think we only get about 6 minutes for our presentations, so I should pare it down!

More great suggestions on photobook layout from Anna! She is brilliant at this.

I went to Downhill beach in the evening with friends to show a camera.

And make a few images.

By Dave

A retired research scientist, a photographer and a Fine Art student

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