The Seven Year Hitch

A couple of weeks ago I took the train to Belfast. The train is part of my studio, if I can get a seat with a table. I have a new camera and I wanted to try it’s video function out at a music gig, Grainne Duffy was playing and I really enjoy her music.

( The music was great, but the camera gave me a jittery video.

Anyway, we were in a bit of a heat wave. In June there are many music acts in Belfast and the streets were crowded, full of Saturday night revellers. I was rushing to the main station, the starting point on the journey home, to make sure I got a seat. I passed two pretty girls at the entrance, One was a real Norma-Jean in her white dress ( ) and had been enjoying her martinis.

I had arrived at the station very early. We weren’t allowed on the platforms, so crowds buzzed around the barriers, and it was all in good humour. Norma-Jean and her friend arrived. Everyone watched as N-J tottered around, beautiful, drunk and dangerous. Her friend chatted with the station staff, and the crowd watched N-J and wondered if that beautiful girl and her precarious, gorgeous dress would remain together much longer. She took a deep breath, tried to focus, and spotted a victim – me. We had a little waltz, I held her up, high fives, a kiss and she was gone. Her train had arrived and her friend took her away. Good-bye, Norma-Jean.

Belfast on a Saturday night.

The journey home was uneventful, and relaxed. Someone started singing an ABBA song. Before too long many in our compartment joined in and were singing for most of the journey. I could still read my Perec as well.

On an earlier train, full of teenagers coming from their gig, a boy was severely beaten up.

By Dave

A retired research scientist, a photographer and a Fine Art student

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