Workshop at UdK

I attended this workshop (at the Berlin Summer University of the Arts) in Berlin in August. I thought I had written about it already, and I did, but only in my notebook. So here’s a wee review.

Well, I thought it was for Beginners, but most of the participants said on the first day (14th August) that they had been involved in videos in some way or other, I was the only one who wasn’t! I had spent the previous evening until midnight installing and trying to understand Adobe Rush. It seems pretty straightforward, but I haven’t found out yet where everything is in the programme.

We were told the basic outline of the functioning of the workshop:

In the morning – Watch some clips from Hollywood and innovative movies on a particular theme or relationship

Discuss the clips

At midday and early afternoon – make some video clips, based on the relationship theme of the day

Later -edit the video clips to make a coherent video

Present the video and get constructive criticism.


Day One – Rhythmic – solo work

Day One
Day One

Day Two – Graphic – solo work

Day Three – Spatial – group work

Day Three - Spatial - Reaction Shots
Day Three – Spatial – Reaction Shots

Day Four – Spatial – group work

Day Five – Temporal – group or solo work

Day 5 - Temporal Relations
Day 5 – Temporal Relations

I didn’t get to finish the video for Friday as I had technical problems – I shot my clips that day with my ‘good’ camera, the XH2S, but I didn’t have the codec for the hi-res shots on my computer and I didn’t have time to sort it out. Should have stuck with the X100f. I’ll do it sometime when I have time to sort this out.

The workshop was a lot of hard work, but very interesting and might well prove to be useful in the future.

By Dave

A retired research scientist, a photographer and a Fine Art student

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