Since I was nudged into discovering Georges Perec in the first module, I have been so impressed by his work and his universal relevance, and many aspects of my work can relate to his.
In an article by Paul Grimstad in The New Yorker ( Grimstad, P. 2019. The Absolute Originality of Georges Perec. The New Yorker. New York.)
Grimstad quotes Italo Calvino, that Perec ” bears absolutely no resemblance to anyone else” and Perec himself said that he had never written the same thing twice( Perec G., Statement of Intent, reproduced in The Review of Contemporary Fiction; Georges Perec Issue, J. O’Brien ed., Dalkey Archive Press 2009 Vol. 19 (1) p31, ” Dec. 1978, When I attempt to state what I have tried to do as a writer since I began, what occurs to me first of all is that I have never written two books of the same kind, or ever wanted to reuse a formula, or a system, or an approach already developed in some earlier work.”). This makes Perec so hard to pin down and also makes his work so fascinating. I’m now trying to read more of his work and you can read about “Things” and “A Man Asleep” in another post.