- For the “Beach” theme I have lots of images, I must try to sort out and test the various ideas that arise there :- Beach, dogs, sunrise, waves, tides, health, living in the moment
- A slice of time, I prefer this to a frozen instant – ‘the decisive moment’
- Can be represented by a long exposure – minimalist image
- Or an abstract – ICM –waves, blurred dogs in motion, a composite of both
- Health aspect, living in the moment (done by dogs, not people), fresh air the sea, new day, renewal, physical, mental and emotional aspects

Everyday walk with the dogs
This takes in some aspects of what I want to explore using some of Perec’s methods ; recording the daily routine and how it varies every day; looking at details of my daily walks, watching the pleasure of my dogs living in the moment, recording simple things (infra-ordinary, but still beautiful) on the beach which vary with different amounts of time and time of day.
Photography has been used to record the Perec method, see, for example, (Lee,2019).

Lee, J. (2019) ‘‘Force yourself to see more flatly’: A photographic investigation of the
infra-ordinary’, in Forsdick, C., Leak, A. and Phillips, R., (ed.) Georges Perec’s Geographies : Material, Performative and Textual Spaces. London: UCL Press, pp. 218-235.