On the Beach

I went to Whiterocks beach this morning before sunrise with Mac and Finn, my Irish setters. It was a murky morning, very misty. The sky had a magenta hue from the early red and grey colours diffused by the mist, although the colour changed from moment to moment.

Murky morning at Whiterocks
Waves crashing at the arch near Whiterocks on a misty morning with colour in the pre-dawn sky

Mac, aged 11, in the foreground and Finn, aged 8 months, running behind him. They are both enjoying the beach in different ways.

Mac and Finn enjoying the beach
Mac and Finn enjoying the beach

Water and Motion

We had all kinds of water and water motion: a waterfall, a flowing stream from the fall to the ocean, tides, droplets suspended in the mist, the clouds and the dogs’ breath, fresh water in the stream, brackish water in the rockpools, bubbles, waves and foam.

I jumped off a rock on to the sand. Well, I tried. In the murk of the early morning I hadn’t noticed that there was water above the sand and i had landed in a pool. Joining the water of the sea through them membrane of my sock!

By Dave

A retired research scientist, a photographer and a Fine Art student

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