First Making Day

First Making Day

Our first Making Day was on 19th November 2022, from 9 am to 1 pm. I managed to get my Fuji XT4 camera set up as a webcam the night previously, so I could film the making of the images by camera as well as the editing of the images in Photoshop on my computer.

It was really interesting to see the other students’ workspaces and what they could create in such a short time. I was very impressed.

I took more photos of the wallet and most of its contents and made straight edits of them in PS (Photoshop). I want to play with them in different FORM FRAME FRACTURE (FFF) configurations.

We uploaded our images from the day on to Caroline’s padlet.

I had hoped to put some beach shots up too, but didn’t get that far, maybe I’ll have some done for the one-to-one tutorial next Thursday.

Caroline mentioned the creative writing aspect again. I must copy what I’d written in my  notebook already into this blog,  and extend it too. I could also put in some of the images of that time that I’d taken from my H2 camera and other shots by Jim A and others. I would like to develop the writing aspect further and see where it goes.

Categorized as 1.1 Nov

By Dave

A retired research scientist, a photographer and a Fine Art student

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