New work?

I would like to try something new/different this semester, and soon! This semester is the time to experiment. I’ll probably end up doing more on memory and time, entropy and quantum entanglement, but is there any wild or new method I could try now?

I’ve read a good deal on memory and a little more on entropy, but it’s sparked nothing much so far. maybe I should just try to get into daVinci Resolve and see if it stimulates anything, or try to print on acetate.

I made a video for the OCA exhibition using Rush with an audio voiceover. I could do that again in dR and make a better voiceover. Also, in Rush you have limited aspect ratios (no 3:2 for example), it doesn’t save the project files so you can’t reuse or re-edit your work – and you have to pay Adobe’s subscription.

By Dave

A retired research scientist, a photographer and a Fine Art student

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