Composite Videos

Two weeks to go and I still hadn’t completed my work or organised its presentation. Agh!

I have so much material and there are three main strands; composites on memories and time. found poetry, ICMs and details, which, ideally, should have a convincing, coherent link (or must they?). I could see that would be a good thing in my old life. but I like that there aren’t direct obvious links between them all.


This is my main area and where I have made the most work.

I made a new set of composites a month or so ago. They are in this video, pending further work

Igneous or Cubist?

Then a cubist version, which didn’t really work then.

I’d put a 4×4 grid on each of the new composites, then made a polyhedral selection of the image part in each of the grid areas. Next each selection was moved and transformed, similar to the cubist art images. I didn’t find this to have worked so well, and I stopped to rethink.


A couple of weeks ago. our cohort were beginning to set up our online website and wanted a theme which ended up as IGNEOUS (I realise I’m repeating myself a bit, but it helps me think things through). It came to me last week that these ‘cubist’ images could fit in an igneous scenario, if we can compare the movement and transformation of tectonic plates of the earth over geological time with the movement and transformation of the image fragments in my cubist images.

(The earth consists mainly of hot, molten rock with the crust of tectonic plates floating on top – igneous rock. Am I bringing in science too?) This can go into the reflective study, I think.

Fade and Disperse F&D

Last week I began working on another section, fade and disperse. This was to bring in other ways our memories alter with time and it’s almost 50 years since I decided to do the MSc in Canada. and 49 since I started it there.

The last two nights I have just worked and slept till I got these versions made, all 22 of them, so far.

I put them into their own video in Rush tonight, but I’m not impressed. I think I just need one video, going from the new composites to the Igneous and ending in the F&D, to be coherent.

I already have a video in work, which just has the new composites in it. Maybe I will try to add the igneous and F&D there too.

Flipbook of All Composites

I made a quick flipbook of all the versions of the composites. I need to put more text in it.

Here is a link to the flipbook with text.

By Dave

A retired research scientist, a photographer and a Fine Art student

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