Countdown Schedule

I’ve broken down the remaining things I have to do to finish this module into this schedule. I’m sure I wont stick to it exactly, but at least it’s a plan!

11th March – Endnote – set up OCA Harvard citation style

  • start adding references
  • Post the Composites from Students’ Making Day

12th-15th March

  • Pick out 10 appropriate (that match the Aims/Outcomes) Blog Entries
  • match with outcomes
  • flesh out blog entries
  • Make some more images for the Beach theme, particularly ICM

16th-20th March – Finish Contextual Study (using Blog entries, etc.

21st &22nd March – Reflective Study

23rd & 24th March – Summary Study/ Presentation

25th &26th March – Body of Work Presentation

27th-31st March – Review & Polish

11th March

I found one of the (many) Harvard referencing styles within Endnote (Harvard U South Wales) that seems to replicate the OCA Harvard style and started using it to begin composing my ” library of references” with those already in the outline Contextual Study.

Endnote with library

12th March – Blog posts

I had a look at my journal posts and picked out these possible entries

  1. 2nd November Reflection on Week 3 Task
  2. 5th Nov. Postscript to Week 3 Zoom (first mention of Perec)
  3. 8th Dec. Influential work on my Practice
  4. 20th Dec. “Space melts ….”
  5. 23rd Dec. Perec is all around
  6. 26th Dec. Beach Theme (add some ICM)
  7. 24th Jan. Pandora’s Box’s Contents
  8. 28th Jan. Three Images, nearly
  9. 11th Feb. “Art and Entropy _Problems …”
  10. 28th Feb Scanning Pandora’s Box

They may be changed, but I’ll start with these.

Exploding countdown

Well, it didn’t quite follow the schedule! It took me a LONG time to complete the ‘Body of Work’ document, mainly because I had to reference all my own images and scans in Endnote as well as in the document and I had so many images. I did this one first instead of last, and the ‘Contextual Study’ at the end. I finished and uploaded to docs around 3.20 am on Friday 31st March and the cut-off was at 2.00 pm.

I’d have been able to do a better job if we had been told longer ahead of time about what had to be submitted and when. I hope this is changed for the next module … whenever that starts!

Categorized as Home

By Dave

A retired research scientist, a photographer and a Fine Art student

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