
A year ago I was not really aware of zines or photobooks, then I did a course at Belfast Exposed in April 2024 and it left me inspired and buzzing! At the time I was near the end of my MA in Fine Art at the Open College of the Arts/OU, and although I wanted… Continue reading Photobooks

MSc thesis

I’ve been referring to this in my work and using some pages in my practice, so I thought I should add it to the blog. It’s got the catchy title of “Dechanneling of 2 MeV Helium Ions in Gold“. This was completed in 1978 at Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada.

More on Robert Smithson

I found some videos on Youtube about Robert Smithson. I haven’t been convinced so far on his ideas on entropy, but I found Trevor Paglen’s talk mentioning George Kubler (see his talk at and Bergsen (check spelling and who they are) and their views on Time, Duration, History and Art fascinating. e.g. “duration can… Continue reading More on Robert Smithson

Middle Row Scanned

Well, one row of the Pandora’s Box contents is sorted and scanned! It took 3 days, was tiring as I read EVERY letter. LEFT ROW Next comes the LEFT row. I think it contains mostly letters. Right Row I just sorted most of these in terms of author. They are mainly earlier letters and from… Continue reading Middle Row Scanned