
I only came across this word this morning. I couldn’t get back to sleep at 4.30 am, and I started watching Youtube. Rugby, photography, zines, bookreaders, gel plate artists are my usual categories, but somehow the algorithm took me to journal writing, or maybe I typed that, and I ended up in ‘commonplace journaling’ or… Continue reading Commonplacing

The shortest day

I’m always happy when we get to this day and more light is promised. On our walk in the woods, we saw the first catkins. I’ve seen them before at this time, so it wasn’t too surprising, but it was interesting to see a few of last year’s leaves on the same branch as the… Continue reading The shortest day

Categorized as Journal


I ordered a pile of books on Memory, Entropy and so on this month to read in the semester break. I want to see if any new themes come out of that. I doubt if I’ll get through them all, I’ll probably get sidelined with one or two, and only read bits of the others… Continue reading Books


We kept a journal on the MA Fine Arts course and I found it very useful, not only for telling the tutors about my work, but also as an aid memoire for me and a reflection space. Looking back on it, and it only ended a few months ago, I had forgotten how excited I… Continue reading Purpose

Updating or revamping this website

I haven’t done much with this website so far, but I intend to put a bit of time into it over Christmas and hopefully get it and maybe the other two, back into some sort of shape.

Categorized as Journal


Test post for the Journal page

Categorized as Journal

Test for MFA journal

just a test post to see if I can get thr blog posts to be separated into MA, MFA, and Journal categories.