“Space melts like sand running through one’s fingers. Time bears it away and leaves me only shapeless shreds.” from Perec’s ‘Species of Spaces’

I’ve been slowly making my way through this book. which is really a collection of essays and articles, on various themes – the book title is ” Species of Spaces and other pieces”. I bought it last week and don’t intend now to read it all the way through, but just to dip in from… Continue reading “Space melts like sand running through one’s fingers. Time bears it away and leaves me only shapeless shreds.” from Perec’s ‘Species of Spaces’

Georges Perec: Soft Chalk and Pigeons

This is a journal paper by Walsh, Meeka.  Border Crossings; Winnipeg Vol. 30, Iss. 2,  (Jun-Aug 2011): 12-13. Walsh reported that the absence of Perec’s father to WWII and death in 1940 and death of his mother in1943 in Auschwitz left a void or a space in his life and that, “He saw neither of them again, and he wrote that… Continue reading Georges Perec: Soft Chalk and Pigeons

New Books

Boltanski’s work was mentioned by Michele in our 121 and it seemed quite pertinent, so I got 2 of his books from World of Books. I was listening to Zadie Smith on Radio 4+ and she said some very relevant things, but I was listening in bed and fell asleep as she talked, so I… Continue reading New Books

Concrete Poetry

In our one-to-one Michele mentioned Concrete Poetry and that jogged my memory and really appealed to me. The Poetry Foundation’s definition : “Verse that emphasizes non-linguistic elements in its meaning, such as a typeface that creates a visual image of the topic. Examples include George Herbert’s “Easter Wings” and “The Altar” and George Starbuck’s “Poem in the Shape of a… Continue reading Concrete Poetry


First Impressions Stuff is a book by Daniel Miller. Caroline mentioned it last week during our discussion after ‘Making Day’. I’d heard of it, but couldn’t place it. I ordered a copy from World of Books and it came today. I haven’t even finished the Prologue and it has stimulated a lot of thoughts, emotions… Continue reading Stuff